Our logistics engineer career requires a regular and innovative upgrading of educational investments to keep pace with the evolution of the professional world.


The ISEL, a major asset of the University of Le Havre, offers a unique career offer, both under student status and through apprenticeship. With an excellent integration rate, we enjoy the esteem of all our partners, both institutional and economic. Thanks to our students and our staff, the ISEL contributes with determination to the challenges of vocational training and engineering.

So, make your contribution and help us training today the talented logistics engineers of tomorrow.

You are an individual and you want to make a donation to the ISEL ?

You are in the right place !

To make a donation to the ISEL, please fill out the form below. Once sent, we will contact you promptly to explain payment terms and tax deductions on your donation.


Mettre le montant de votre Don

Personal Info

Pour faire un don hors-ligne, nous vous demandons de bien vouloir suivre les instructions suivantes:

  1. Faire un chèque à l’ordre de « {:fr}ISEL{:}{:en}ISEL{:}{:es}ISEL{:}{:de}ISEL{:} »
  2. N’oubliez pas de préciser l’ordre du chèque : « {:fr}ISEL{:}{:en}ISEL{:}{:es}ISEL{:}{:de}ISEL{:} »
  3. Veuillez envoyer votre chèque à l’adresse suivante :

111 Not A Real St.
Anytown, CA 12345

Toutes les contributions seront prises en compte avec plaisir et sont déductibes d’impôts.

Donation Total: 10,00€